Sunday, February 18, 2007

Toward the Millinerium

I’ve been making hats this week
endlessly snipping, pinning, and
sewing little hats.
With a vague idea of
making money on the side
and even starting a new trend
if I get good enough.
It’s funny but I’d never
imagined myself a milliner.

My daughter said today
- they look like lampshades-
and it occurred to me that
she’s right, they do.
I’d been quite pleased until then,
you know, a new line in creativity
something I could do without having
first been taught.
Natural talent!

But…it’s true
I’m never going to gain renown
by making hats
that look like lampshades.

(c) Liz Willows 2000

1 comment:

smeagol said...

This is a very deep and moving work, by a sister I didnt really get to see growing up, as I was hurridly sent to Sea. A ten year age gap has writen chapters in the lives of siblings seperated. I Love you sis.... Chris